Green Fees


Green Fees Weekdays Saturday Sunday
  Member Only Times may vary Members Only until 3pm Members Only until 12.30pm
Visitor Non Affiliated $130 $130 $130
Visitor NZ Affiliated $100 $100 $100
Visitor Member Guest $80 $80 $80
    Members Only until 3pm Members Only until noon
9 Hole Non Affiliated $80 $80 $80
9 Hole NZ Affiliated $70 $70 $70
9 Hole Member Guest $50 $50 $50

Akarana Junior (13 -19 years) - $20 (18 holes) and $15 (9 holes). 

Play is only permitted after 3.30pm (including public holidays) or at the discretion of the Golf Operations Manager. This membership entitles you to the use of the practice facilities (Driving Range, putting and chipping greens) and gives you access to invest further in the world class junior coaching program through Wheelhouse Golf Junior Coaching. Bookings can only be made the day before play.


Visitor Junior (13 - 19 years) - $45 (18 holes) and $35 (9holes).

Play is only permitted after 3.30pm (including public holidays). Check with golf shop for tee time availability. Bookings can only be made the day before play.

Visitor Junior Under 13 - Access to the golf course is not permitted unless approved by the Golf Operations Manager. 


Golf cart - $50 (18 holes) / $35 (9 holes)

Set of clubs plus trundler - $40

Trundler only - $5

(All prices include New Zealand's Goods & Services Tax (GST) of 15%)


Book Your Tee Time:

For all bookings please use the following steps to manage your bookings:

Internet - Book A Round for DotGolf - public and member booking site.



For any issues with your booking please call us on (09) 621 0024 ext 1 Golf Shop press 1 for Tee Bookings.

 Please note our tee sheet opens for bookings 9 days in advance, if you wish to book ahead of the 9 days please make your request via email .


Green Fee Voucher Holders:

If you are using an 'Akarana' voucher for your round, please note these conditions apply:

  • Reserve your tee time by emailing the Akarana Golf Shop on: or , please allow 24 hours for a response to confirm your booking or telephone us on 09 621 0024 ext 1, if you haven't heard from us. 
  • Vouchers are for use when space permits, any time on weekdays only 
  • Each player needs their own set of clubs - bring your own or hire from us
  • Dress standards - see above.
  • Pace of play - regular golfers play 18 holes in 4 hours or less - please keep up with the group in front of you, hole by hole times are provided on the scorecard, if you fall behind a marshall has the right to ask you to walk a hole to fall back in place with the field. 
  • Sorry - NO BYO alcohol on the course (including sponsored drinks).

Dress Standards:

A respectable standard of dress code is expected at all times on the course and in the clubhouse. Club Officials and the Golf Shop staff have full jurisdiction to uphold the dress standards on the course and, at their discretion, may ask any person on the course to dress appropriately in keeping with the following standards.

When on the course & Practice Facilities

Attire - Women

  • Neat casual
  • Recognised golf apparel, think LPGA

Attire - Men

  • Neat casual
  • Recognised golf apparel, think PGA

Footwear - Men and Women

  • Golf shoes should be worn (Only soft sprigs allowed)
  • Flat-soled athletic/running shoes are acceptable

Not Permitted On The Course

  • T-shirts
  • Jeans/Denim clothing
  • Track pants, Gym wear
  • Cargo, Beach or Boxer shorts
  • Clothing dominated with advertising, logos, or unsightly graphics, football or rugby jerseys.
  • Shoes with hard soles/ heels
  • Jandals

In The Clubhouse

Show your pride in our club! A reasonable standard of dress is expected at all times. Club Officials and the Bar Manager on duty have the Club's authority to ensure that members and patrons of the Club are appropriately dressed at all times. Smart, dress jeans can be worn.

Caps and hats should not be worn in the clubhouse.