Why join Akarana? Here are some benefits you might really like!
- Akarana Golf Club offers a friendly and welcoming environment for all members and visitors
- Best location in Auckland - 15 mins to CBD via Waterview tunnels, 10 mins to Airport
- Your Full Playing Subscription includes most competition fees
- Free or discounted golf at 20 reciprocal golf clubs around NZ and Overseas
- Official NZ Golf Handicap
- Opportunity to represent your club in the Auckland Pennants competition
- Full Playing, Six Day and Weekday members have voting rights
- Full Playing and Six Day membes can be elected as a Club Official
- Hole in One insurance for a $150 shout on the day
- Free venue hire for your special occasion/function - (non wedding/work)
- Members will earn 12.5% bar credit on their bar purchase. (Bar Credits Program)
- Akarana Cafe - food by 'Foodsters' Atomic Coffee, sweet treats, breakfast, lunch, functions
- The Akarana Bar - relax and enjoy the atmosphere.
- Akarana Sprig Bar - just a short walk after you putt out on the 18th!
- NZ Golf Member Benefits with Commercial Partners
View some testimonials here.
Couples Discount
10% off 18 Hole Memberships - 18 Hole Full Playing, Six Day, Weekday.
Not applicable to fees already discounted, or if only one partner is a full, six day, or weekday member. Conditions apply - couples must share the same physcial address in Auckland, and will need to provide printed proof, for example a utility account showing the home address and both names of the couple.
Banks require the original form for their records - please mail or bring this form to the golf club office.
Payment by direct debit incurs a 2.5% administration fee. Instalments will be deducted on the 1st of each month.
NOTE: Membership at Akarana Golf Club is an annual commitment and full payment is required if the direct debit facilty is terminated prior to the end of subscription period.
Late payment and Dishonours will incur an administration fee of $20 per transaction. More than three (3) dishonours will
result in the cancellation of the DD facility and outstanding balance will be required in full.
Bank transfer payments can be made to the Akarana Golf Club account, BNZ Mt. Roskill 02 0176 0196000 00 - please use your surname as the payment reference.
Use of Private Golf Carts Policy
for details on use of own golf carts.